If you don't have a foursome but want to participate, we are open to individual registrations as well. We want to give everyone the opportunity to participate.
The Jordan Zacharias Golf Classic is an annual charity golf tournament and sports memorabilia auction that raises money in memory and on behalf of Jordan Zacharias. Register for the upcoming tournament which will be held on July 27th, 2017 at the Moon Lake Golf and Country Club. Tee off at 1:00pm
Just over a week away!
Time is running out to get into this year's tournament. For those that indicated that you were thinking about putting a team in, the time is now to enter your group to ensure your spot. The tournament is a week from Thursday and we are excited to see how many people we can get into this years event.
If you don't have a foursome but want to participate, we are open to individual registrations as well. We want to give everyone the opportunity to participate.
Finally, if you are looking at other ways to support the tournament, we are looking for some volunteers to assist with witnessing at hole in one holes as well as other running around tasks during the day. If you want to volunteer, please drop us a line at jordanzakgolfclassic@hotmail.ca
If you don't have a foursome but want to participate, we are open to individual registrations as well. We want to give everyone the opportunity to participate.