Merry Christmas from the Jordan Zacharias Memorial Golf Classic

Merry Christmas to all our of past and present golfers, sponsors and various supporters of the Jordan Zacharias Memorial Golf Classic. We want to take this time to let you know what we've been working on and what to look forward to in the new year in regards to our annual golf tournament. 

The 2013 Jordan Zacharias Golf Classic was one of biggest and most successful tournaments to date. We continue to be amazed how both corporations and individuals have gotten behind what we are doing with this tournament. The 2013 tournament raised nearly $28,000. These funds were distributed to the Children’s Wish foundation, Little Bald Angles Foundation, the Sask Children's hospital fund and the Jordan Zacharias Memorial Fund.

We are also very encouraged as to the direction the Jordan Zacharias Memorial Fund has taken this past year as well. Our mandate remains the same, to give assistance where possible to those families who have children facing life threatening illnesses. We continue to be amazed how this fund has grown and how we've been honored to be able to help families during their time of need. We look forward to building this fund even more in order to help more families.

We encourage you to mark the date for next year’s tournament as it has been set for July 24th, 2014 at the Legends Golf Course in Warman. We have more unique and impressive items already starting to roll in and we look forward to next year's tournament being our best yet.

We thank all of our past and future participants for the support and wish all of them a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.